Tuesday, 6 November 2012


The trailer used to promote the movie and get people to watch it in the cinema.
Horizontal integration-linking the music industry to the movie. Using a well known artist to help promote the movie also.
This watch was worn throughout the whole movie. This is synegy, the watch promotes James Bond and James Bond promotes the watch.
The bus advertisments allow the movie poster to be seen publically, promoting the movie to a wider range of people throughout the country.
Interviews being shown on TV before the movie is actually released allows people to get a sense of what the movie is about and allows them to understand the backstage elements used behind the making of the movie. It allows actors to promote the movie and to speak about it.
The premiere allows the people starring in the movie to promote it further, they give interviews and interract with their fans.
Synegy: The champagne promotes James Bond and James Bond promotes the champagne.



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